Congratulation to all member of the Graviz2011 summer course that have successfully finished the final task -developing a "supergraphic". The students was divided into 3 group -a group of 4 students, and have to present their work on July 15th, 2011 which was reviewed by Suwardana Winata (DSA+s). Here are the supergraphics according to the group:
Graviz-01 Game : Bully (Aryo Ardianto, Gloria, Munif P Pambudi, Rendy Valery)
Graviz-02 Game : The Sims (Maria Angelina S, Maria Elvira V, Niko Yovunda, Yoseva Yosi A)
graphic tooling and information visualizing | pelita harapan university
a short summer course at department of architecture|pelita harapan university that exercise and experiment graphic tools to visualize information.
the blog is expected as medium for students to share and discuss their course works about how to make the visualization becomes more effective, efficient and understandable.