Graviz2011 Final Presentation

Congratulation to all member of the Graviz2011 summer course that have successfully finished the final task -developing a "supergraphic". The students was divided into 3 group -a group of 4 students, and have to present their work on July 15th, 2011 which was reviewed by Suwardana Winata (DSA+s).
Here are the supergraphics according to the group:

Game : Bully
(Aryo Ardianto, Gloria, Munif P Pambudi, Rendy Valery)

Game : The Sims
(Maria Angelina S, Maria Elvira V, Niko Yovunda, Yoseva Yosi A)

Game : SimCity4
(Devina Setiono, Kezzia Alyssa S, Lievia Savila W, Xenia Lembono)
